Sunday, December 20, 2009

Summary Translate bout Jin Da Ban Interview

Vic Clip Jin Da Ban Interview

Translated By : Sytwo @ AF

- ZZ was asked to select one of the female characters if its real life. He selected Zhaoli, then when everyone goes "Aahh (kind of protesting)", he said cuz they are promoting JDB. FBB then said that he has to avoid trap or something (a word which i dont quite understand).
- Later, FBB then said that ppl who are close to ZZ told her that it is pretty incredible/ unbelievable that ZZ talked with her so much. Zhou Gong (the comedian actor) then jokingly said he is jealous etc.
- The host also asked FBB, since the drama talks about Yueru being in love for the first time, did she select ZZ because there is a feeling of first love? FBB then looked at ZZ, and said Yes. :D
- The host then asked ZZ why did not select C (DaS/ Shancai). FBB quickly said this question need not be answered. The host then changed the question to "Why didnt you select Shancai (the character)". FBB then said ZZ can talk about this a bit. ZZ said when filming MG, the character he acted as ie. HZL did not really understand Sanchai. He feels that in comparison he understand Zhaoli more (good answer!).
- Host then asked how would ZZ describe his love relationship with Zhaoli in the drama JDB. He said "very infatuated love but also two very irrational person." Host asked is it both who are irrationale or is it him only. ZZ said "Zhaoli was influenced by Yueru to become irrationale. Although Zhaoli is still young but due to her background she is actually more matured and rationale, and she has to push down the tendencies of a young person. But due to the appearance of Yueru, the irrationale and characteristics of a young person begin to come out from Zhaoli. (sytwo : I thought that ZZ's analysis here was superb! You can understand now why he can "become" a character so deeply. He is really a very smart actor and deep thinker. And he thinks with his heart).
- Host then said that in JDB, their type of love is very courageous . And ask ZZ if he is the same in real life. ZZ said that he is very courageous when it comes to love. Zhou Gong then joked if he is born with ZZ's face, he will be also very courageous in love, and dare to confess. But if face looks like him, wont dare to confess cuz will be rejected. (hahaha! Zhao Gong is really funny, and makes ZZ laugh so much. I have this feeling that he likes ZZ and likes to tease him. He also helped ZZ out in some of the answers).
- ZZ was then asked to select what he would do if meets the girl he likes :
A. Forcefully chase (not sure of this)
B. Be attentive and caring
C. Confess directly
D. Keep his feeling inside
- ZZ selected "C", confess directly. Its the same as how Yueru did to Zhaoli in JDB. The hosts asked ZZ to confess to FBB same like in the drama, then FBB said why not confess to the lady host instead. ZZ then did that and said "I have been deeply attracted by you, and my heart cannot be occupied by someone else....." FBB then said that is enough and called him to come back to the seat. After that Zhao Gong did a funny confession act (using the script of "brotherhood" etc, hahaha! Just to give some perspective, in his regular entertainment show, Zhao Gong frequently mimics Mark during GBA award ).
- Later on, ZZ was asked to give his thots about FBB. He said at first he thought FBB was just one of the actor and didn't know she is also the producer and also one of boss/ investor. He said normally if someone is both actor and producer/ boss, during filming that person will have a cetain distance of status etc. But ZZ said that FBB has very good relationship with everyone on the set and dont have that sense of distance, giving feelings of warmth among the crew and filmset.
(did not translated the last part which was introducing the drama)
- END -

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